Author Archives: Damon Duncan

New career, new blog design…

Well I’ve been hard at work over the last few months.  Things have been going really well.  The Greensboro / Triad branch of Duncan Law, PLLC is up and running.  The Charlotte office has been a huge help every day the past few months.  I don’t know how we could do a lot of it…

Duncan Law, PLLC open for business…

Hey everyone – Well we opened the Greensboro, NC branch of Duncan Law, PLLC on October 1, 2009.  Melissa and I were excited to complete all of the “construction” and redesign of the office.  We think it looks really good.  We’ve put up chair railing, painted walls, cleaned carpet, cleaned furniture, etc. etc. etc.  We’ve…

Duncan Law, PLLC is coming together…

I never really allowed myself to think of everything we had to do post bar exam.  I was afraid that I would either get my hopes up too much or start freaking out with the amount we had to accomplish even after the bar exam.  However, over the last couple weeks Melissa and I have…

We Passed…

So today is one of the happiest days of my life.  Today I found out that BOTH Melissa and I passed the North Carolina Bar Exam.  Whew!  It has been a long journey through law school.  It was one of the toughest things I’ve done but it is also one of the most rewarding.  Along…

The Aftermath…

Wow, it has been a long time since I have had the opportunity to blog.  As my previous post explained, I had been studying for the North Carolina Bar Exam.  Melissa and I lived at Elon and that part was great.  However, studying for the bar was one of the hardest things I have done. …

The (Bar Exam) Grind…

Well I have been away for a while for good reasons.  First, I graduated from law school and second, I started studying for the bar.  Therefore, my time dedicated to this blog and all other things previously enjoyable or somewhat enjoyable in my life have had to seize to studying.  I’m not sure how it…

Alzheimer’s disease special on HBO…

My grandmother, my mom’s mother, died of Alzheimer’s disease several years ago.  Alzheimers is one of the worst diseases in the world.  It takes the mind of a person and changes who they are.  One of the worst things about Alzheimers is its impact on the families of those who are stricken with the disease. …

Just call me Dr. Duncan (not really)…

Today was my last day of law school!  I had an exam today that started at 2:00 p.m. and I finished a little after 5:00 p.m.  There were no fireworks or trumpets or even sudden bright lights shining down upon me.  Instead, my excitement was all on the inside.  I’m not giddy excited because I…

Studying for Exams…

I say studying for examS but in reality I only have to study for one exam until the end of law school.  However, I won’t be done with exams until I take the North Carolina bar exam on July 28th and 29th.  I can only hope I pass the exam and will finally be done…

Pacquiao knocksout Hatton…

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a big fan of combat sports.  Whether it be mixed martial arts (MMA), boxing, or wrestling, I love to watch two people test themselves against one another.  Unlike most combat sports fans, I started with MMA.  My father used to order UFC on pay-per-view when I was…